
2023年07月14日 19:45 发布人:李珊珊 阅读次数:    

为帮助来华留学生了解浙江高新技术企业发展和就业前景,促进中外和校际学生交流,2023712日至713日beat365体育亚洲官方网站通信工程(国际)专业、创客社团(Maker Club)和国际学生国情教育名师工作室、国际教育学院共同组织来自印度尼西亚、摩洛哥、刚果(金)、伊拉克等11个国家的25名来华留学生与9名中国学生一起参加浙江省通信学会组织的暑期实践,赴华为技术有限公司浙江代表处和浙江大华技术股份有限公司参观交流。



来自摩洛哥的通信专业留学生Tijani Ameur说:At Huawei, I was struck by their commitment to research and development. The company's emphasis on 5G technology and their dedication to pushing the boundaries of connectivity were truly remarkable. 译文:华为对研发的投入让我感到震惊.该公司对5G技术的重视以及对突破连接界限的贡献确实令人惊叹.


浙江大华技术股份有限公司是全球领先的以视频为核心的智慧物联解决方案提供商和运营服务商。公司建立了57个海外分公司,海外业务已覆盖180个国家和地区。浙江大华技术股份有限公司副总裁刘明、技术中心人力资源总监杨亮对我校社会实践团组表示欢迎。海外业务部外籍员工V. P. Sharathkumar带领留学生们参观了公司展厅,介绍了大华股份夯实全感知、全智能、全连接、全计算、全生态“五全”数智能力,赋能城市数字化创新与企业数智化转型。留学生们驻足观摩展厅中遥感影像、工业机器人等先进的设备,身临其境模拟场景数智化。智慧消防、智慧显控、智慧热成像等各项技术应用成果让留学生们切身感受到中国前沿的数字技术发展水平以及智能化对未来社会高质量发展的驱动。

来自刚果(金)的通信专业留学生Eliel KOLELA说:Dahua is a company that does innovation in the field of technology like IoT and AI. They have advanced equipment that will simplify our everyday life with security, housing, communication and so on, I am grateful that Ive participated in this exhibition organized by my university and the Zhejiang Institute of Communications. 译文:大华是一家在物联网人工智能等技术领域进行创新的公司,他们拥有先进的设备,在安保、住房、通信等方面让我们的日常生活更便利,我很感激我的学校和浙江省通信学会组织这次中国企业参观研学活动。)




International students interested in Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are welcome to apply for our English-taught bachelor’s programs in Communication Engineering.


Dahua is a company that does innovation in the field of technology like IoT and AI. They have advanced equipment that will simplify our everyday life with security, housing, communication and so on, I am grateful that Ive participated in this exhibition organized by my university and the Zhejiang Institute of Communications.


Eliel KOLELA,刚果(金),通信工程(国际)20

At Huawei, I was struck by their commitment to research and development. The company's emphasis on 5G technology and their dedication to pushing the boundaries of connectivity were truly remarkable. After visiting Dahua, I was impressed by the cutting-edge technology and innovation they showcased. The advanced surveillance systems and intelligent solutions left me in awe of their capabilities. Both Dahua and Huawei left me with a sense of optimism for the future of technology. Their visits reinforced the belief that continuous innovation and pushing the boundaries can lead to transformative advancements that positively impact society as a whole.


Tijani Ameur,摩洛哥,通信工程(国际)21



As the president of Maker Club (International Students Section), I’m really happy that the event can be held successfully. I hope it will become not only memorable but also a useful journey for you. We, Maker Club, will strive to arrange more interesting technical events for international students in the future. Hope from this activity, more students are interested to join Maker Club as both member and committee. If you are interested, you can always contact one of our committee members or visit lab C1-515/511. Please keep pay attention to our club and we are waiting for your attendance!


Seleni Casanova Ong,印度尼西亚,通信工程(国际)20

Majoring in computer science in ZUST, we have learned the fundamental and theory of the subject but NEVER really touch the working works especially in today’s technology. So in this company visit, we have learned many valuable lessons on the trips, especially on the Dahua Trips, there we see many futuristic things that surely will shock the society with its tech, in the security aspect. We see it first hand on how it's gonna work, it's really aroused my brain towards tech and AI. And we also have been given a chance to a seminar where we raise questions in the aspect of the technology in the showcase, or even about my future like internship and job in China.



First of all, I would like to thank everyone who made this event possible and thus gave the opportunity to international students of ZUST to immerse themselves more deeply in the professional environment. At the end of the visits to the companies Huawei and Dahua technology, I retain a very great feeling of satisfaction but also of amazement at the ingenuity and inventiveness shown by these companies in order to always find innovative ideas that are revolutionizing society but also improving our daily lives. It was a satisfying and very enriching experience spent alongside our teachers as well as with the staffs of these companies who were cordial and very welcoming towards us.

译文:首先,我要感谢所有组织这次活动的人,让我们留学生有机会更深入地融入专业环境见习 参观了华为和大华公司,我对这些公司所表现出的智慧和创造力感到非常惊讶,因为他们总能找到变革社会的创新想法,同时也改善我们的生活。这是一次令人满意且非常丰富的经历,我很高兴有这个机会和老师们,还有热情友善的公司员工们交流学习。

Vlade Marlone,加蓬,机器人工程(国际)21


王佳琳,中国,英语20级   (孙岚、姚可怡、吴茗蔚
